Detailed Description
Provides functions to initialize and reset lib360.
Member Function Documentation
Initialize lib360
Includes and registers the autoload class, backs up previous autoload values, sets lib360 configuration.
Resets lib360 configuration
Attempts to restore configuration prior to lib360 initilaization. Specifically, restores backed up autoload extensions.
Field Documentation
$autoloadClass = 'Autoload' |
static |
Autoload class name
Use this to implement custom autoloader.
$autoloadExtensions = NULL |
static |
Override default spl_autoload_extensions
Setting this property will override the default extensions and will allow Autoload class to try files with the extensions listed here in that order. Syntax is exactly the same as spl_autoload_extensions.
- See also:
- Autoload
$autoloadExtensionsBackup = NULL |
staticprotected |
Internal autoload extensions backup
$autoloadExtensionsOverriden = FALSE |
staticprotected |
Internal record of whether autoload extensions were overriden
Autoload class method
Use this to implement custom autoloader.
$autoloadNamespace = 'autoload' |
static |
Namespace of autoload class
Use this to implement custom autoloader.
Internal initialization state
$namespace = __NAMESPACE__ |
static |
Current namespace
- Todo:
- determine whether this is needed
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